Hoya are one of the most popular plants around right now ! They have thick waxy leaves and most trail, vine , or cascade as there growing pattern . Know for there large beautiful and fragrant flowers . Very easy to take care of !
** The Hoya Vietnam is a beautiful unique Hoya and one of my new absolute favorites. Makes nice size longer than they are wide leaves that have heavy splash that the splash almost looks yellowish sometimes . A must have !!***
- If purchased you will recieve a very similar specimen with 1 rooted node in a 4” pot with at least 2 leaves on the initial rooted node.
-shipped as is with pot and soil .
*** I highly reccomend to not repot these or any Hoya purchased right away. No need to stress them out even more especially since o ship these in there pots with soil . I would wait months depending on how large . I use a very high quality custom soil so there is no need to take them out of it . If customers repot these soon after shipping and then they have problems I will not replace . ***
- sunlight:
Keep in bright filtered , indirect sun indoors, porch patio, or somewhere under a big tree . It does not want full sun . If getting any direct sun ( which is ok ) as long as it's the early morning sun with total afternoon shade.
Hoyas are succulent-like so they don't want to be overly wet for long periods . I let the top few inches become dry before watering again( or to be safe you can let soil dry all the way in between waterings ) .
Use a well draining cactus-like mix
I pack and ship all my orders with extreme quality and care to ensure safe delivery . Most everything is shipped Usps priority discount atm . My shop also has a listing for 120hour heat packs if shipping to colder states . Reccomended ( but not mandatory ) for temps of below 40F. Please message me for any questions or concerns ! I also have my custom soil available . If you did want soil for Hoyas just purchase the “ cactus mix” soil and message me after and I will swap out with my Hoya soil.
Cactus and Exotics
Product code: Hoya sp. Vietnam splash ‘ah001’ ( 1 rooted node with new growth ) — *** very discount Rare *** ( US seller)