Magnetic discount Orgone Pyramid with Amethyst Cluster, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Shungite & 5 Neodymium Magnets, Magnetic Orgone Pyramid with Amethyst Cluster, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Shungite & 5 Neodymium Magnets shop
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Magnetic discount Orgone Pyramid with Amethyst Cluster, Citrine, Rose Quartz, Shungite & 5 Neodymium Magnets, This orgone pyramid was made with love and positive intention Mindfulness was applied to every aspect of the.
This orgone pyramid was made with love and positive intention. Mindfulness was applied to every aspect of the choice and placement of the components, carefully creating a high vibrational pyramid for the 3rd eye, heart and solar plexus chakras.
The beauty of this pyramid is exceeded only by it's power!
The apex of this pyramid consists of Amethyst chips, steel swarf and Rochelle salts in a deep purple mica. Followed by a layer of Citrine chips. We then have 4 magnetic steel ballbearings in each corner, floating above an Amethyst cluster which is covered with Rose Quartz chips. This is Embedded in a layer of powdered Shungite & iron filings with Rochelle salts. Beneath this is a layer of powdered Shungite and Rochelle salts containing 4 Neodymium magnets each South pole up positioned directly beneath each of the ballbearings above, with a layer of atomised copper powder sprinkled within this square created by the magnets. Atomised metals provide a greater surface area and higher frequency. Copper has extremely high conductivity and is also diamagnetic (slightly repelled by a magnetic field). The iron in the layer above is highly magnetised, and the quartz based crystals above that are all diamagnetic and piezo electric. This creates a powerful interplay between the energies of the metals and crystals contained within the device. Beneath this layer is a layer of magnetic steel swarf carefully concealed within a visible edge of coppers swarf, containing a 5th, centrally placed neodymium magnet this time North pole up. Finally a layer of glow in the dark purple mica with aluminium swarf.
This pyramid rests on 4 copper feet each containing magnetic steel swarf, powdered shungite and iron filings, and the base contains a aluminium wire Sacred Cubit 144MHz triskelion oriented to direct energy upwards, and 1/2 Lost Cubit 177MHz tensor ring.
This is a supremely powerful orgone generator that creates a next level vortex field over a very wide range, even the most insensitive of people to energies is likely to feel the energy of this device.
Amethyst is a Seeker/Transfomer crystal. Seekers contain the crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind to find the way to new horizons and new capabilities. They're pointers, directors, and compasses; the fresh start crystals. These are talismans of the scientist, the adventurer, the hunter, wanderer, and explorer. They're also crystals of the student and the researcher. Transformer crystals enhance efforts to change our situations, prospects, health, outlook or relationships. By transforming ourselves we transform our lives. We learn to dance, speak a new language, grow stronger, or become a better spouse or child. Seeker crystals with the earth power of the Transformer are excellent talismans to aid our efforts to grow, develop new capabilities and change our lives.. Amethyst is a remarkable stone of spirituality and contentment, known for its metaphysical abilities to still the mind and inspire an enhanced meditative state. Its inherent high frequency purifies the aura of any negative energy or attachments, and creates a protective shield of Light around the body, allowing one to remain clear and centered while opening to spiritual direction. Amethyst stimulates the Third Eye, Crown, and Etheric Chakras enhancing cognitive perception as well as accelerating the development of intuitive and psychic ability. It initiates wisdom and greater understanding and is a stone of comfort for those grieving the loss of a loved one. Amethyst carries a high, sweet energy, particularly stimulating to the Third Eye, Crown, and Etheric Chakras. Amethyst carries a high spiritual vibration of humility and devotion to the Divine. It is highly conducive to stilling one's thoughts in prayer and meditation and surrendering to that which is greater than the self. It also stimulates the higher mind to receive one's spiritual power as a creation of the Divine being and to open to the insights, wisdom, and guidance that is offered. Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification; cleansing one's energy field of negative influences and attachments. It creates a resonant shield of spiritual Light around the body. Additionally, it acts as a barrier against lower energies, psychic attack, geopathic stress, and unhealthy environments.
Citrine is a Seeker/Transfomer crystal. In the metaphysical world. Natural Citrine is a premier stone of manifestation, imagination, and personal will. Carrying the power of the sun, it is warm and comforting, energizing and life giving. It stimulates the chakras like the sunlight of spring, clearing the mind and stirring the soul to action. Its frequency awakens creativity and imagination, and sustains the process of transforming dreams and wishes into tangible form. With its pure yellow energy, Citrine encourages fullness of life, fresh beginnings and new pursuits. Natural Citrine does not hold or accumulate negative energy, but rather transmutes, dissipates, and grounds it, making it extremely protective for the environment. It works out problems on both the physical and subtle levels, transforming negative thoughts and feelings into positive ones. It is one of only two crystals on Earth that never needs to be cleared or cleansed. Called The Merchant's Stone for its properties of increase in the cashbox, Citrine not only assists in acquiring wealth, but helps in maintaining it. It is a stone of abundance and manifestation, attracting wealth and prosperity, success and all things good. It also encourages generosity and sharing good fortune. Citrine is an excellent crystal for interpersonal relationships. It smooths family or group problems, and promotes solutions and cohesiveness. It also helps in understanding and dealing with absorbed impressions from those around us. Carrying a Citrine attracts love and happiness, and guards against those who would break your heart. It is also an effective shield against spite and jealousy. Natural Citrine enhances physical stamina and energy, supports the endocrine system, and encourages proper metabolism. Citrine activates nerve impulses, strengthening intelligence and the intellectual faculties of concentration and wisdom. It also aids in short-term memory loss. Citrine opens the higher mind to accept joy in one's life, releasing anger and negative feelings, deep-seated fears and destructive tendencies. An excellent crystal for overcoming depression, Citrine reduces the sensitivity to criticism and inspires creativity and self-expression. It raises self-esteem, and by letting go of the past, allows one to move forward optimistically, enjoying new experiences and exploration. Natural Citrine's radiant yellow and gold energy activates, opens, and energizes the Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakras, directing personal power, creativity, and intelligent decisiveness to enhance the physical body. Its foremost energy is to aid in manifestation. When one is totally attuned to the creative Life Force, simply clarifying, defining and projecting what is wanted will draw those purposes toward the person like a powerful magnet. It is very important to use this power of attraction only for the highest good. The gold ray produced in high quality Citrine, especially in faceted form, also stimulates the Crown Chakra, and can be used to channel pure Crown energy back to the Solar Plexus and Sacral, allowing for synthesis between the intellect and the body's total perfection. It increases clarity of thought, mental focus, and protects and directs the use of the creative Life Force in one's life. Natural Citrine is an excellent crystal for those who are overly sensitive and extremely vulnerable to outside energies and influences. Worn, carried, or used in crystal healing, the radiant yellow color will increase the amount of light surrounding the body and protect the aura.
Rose Quartz
Is a Seeker/Transfomer crystal. Seekers contain the crystal energy structure that aligns the natural energy of the crystal to the natural power of the human mind to find the way to new horizons and new capabilities. They're pointers, directors, and compasses; the fresh start crystals. These are discount talismans of the scientist, the adventurer, the hunter, wanderer, and explorer. They're also crystals of the student and the researcher. Transformer crystals enhance efforts to change our situations, prospects, health, outlook or relationships. By transforming ourselves we transform our lives. We learn to dance, speak a new language, grow stronger, or become a better spouse or child. Seeker crystals with the earth power of the Transformers are excellent talismans to aid our efforts to grow, develop new capabilities and change our lives. Rose Quartz is the most important crystal of the heart and the Heart Chakra, teaching the true essence of love, and purifying and opening the heart at all levels creating Unconditional Love. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, nourishment and comfort. It speaks directly to the Heart Chakra, dissolving emotional wounds, fears and resentments, and circulates a Divine loving energy throughout the entire aura. Reawakening the heart to its own innate love, it provides a deep sense of personal fulfillment and contentment, allowing one the capacity to truly give and receive love from others. The soft pink emanations of Rose Quartz comforts and heals any wounds the heart has suffered, penetrating the inner chambers of the Heart Chakra where emotional experiences are recorded and stored. It dissolves the sorrows, worries, fears and resentments suppressing the heart's ability to give and receive love, and replaces it with healing, comfort and inner nourishment.
Shungite is the only known natural source of fullerenes on Earth. Fullerenes are molecules composed entirely of carbon, in the form of a hollow sphere, ellipsoid, or tube. It is likely that Shungite was born in outer space and landed on our planet (probably in the form of a meteor) billions of years ago. This gives Shungite unique healing properties unlike any other mineral. Shungite with its natural inclusion of fullerenes acts on a systemic level. They act as an adaptogen, operating both at the cellular level and at the level of the whole human body. Adaptogens are herbal pharmaceuticals. They work to counteract the effects of stress in the body. Stress causes very real physical changes in the body, including harming the neurological, endocrine, and immune systems. Adaptogens have stimulant properties that help counteract those harmful effects. Place a Shungite pyramid near all electronic devices—such as your television, computer, microwaves, radio receivers, wi-fi hot spots, etc. to neutralize any EMFs.One of the most beneficial uses of the Shungite metaphysical properties is to protect against electrical magnetic fields, also known as EMFs. We are constantly surrounded by technology—cell phones, computers, televisions, Wi-Fi and the list goes on and on. Each of these radiate man-made, EMFs. Many people experience EMF sensitivity, and EMFs have been linked to constriction of blood flow to major organs, poor digestion, and immune systems, increased blood pressure, heart rate and blood sugar, arthritis, anxiety, and depression. Apple even has a disclaimer encouraging you to not hold your phone directly to your head. Fortunately, there is protection from EMFs in the form of shungite. Found in Russia, this is so effective at protecting from EMFs, it is used to paint Russian military air and spacecraft. Famed for it's protection from the harmful rays of 5G, it is also one of the most powerful stones for grounding. Elite (otherwise known as Noble) Shungite is the purest and most powerful form of Shungite.
All crystals when compressed within the resin of an orgone device generate piezo electricity, and clear quartz has one of the highest piezo-electric outputs.
1/4 Empowerment Cubit 188mhz frequency tensor ring.
Mainly works on the inner and invisible aspects of life and is essential for healing therapies. The most powerful of these three Cubit sizes, helps in contact with the invisible, spiritual guides, guardians, angels, earth elements, has a female energy associated with the fire element, works on the third, fifth and sixth chakras and helps you to come into your power. Perfect for people who use their voice a lot, such as singers, teachers, public speakers, and helps with the descaling of the pineal gland. This emits energy in all directions, and in the form of the upward facing SBB coil creates creates an emphasis on the vertical plane.
Lost Cubit 177mhz frequency SBB coil.
Is a lot stronger than the Sacred Cubit. This frequency mainly works on the mental, emotional and ethereal aspects of life, and has a calming and soothing effect. It works well against pain and helps bring the brain in balance, so it is nice to meditate with. Connected to the elements earth and aether, is emits a horizontal energy. It works on the Solar Plexus, Heart and Third Eye chakras, and has a balanced feminine and masculine energy. It works perfectly against a polluted environment. Plants love this frequency, very good for children, schools, and adult learning. It works very well with the Sacred Cubit and with the Lost Cubit.
Rochelle salts
This mineral has the highest piezo-electric output known, and greatly amplifies the peizo electric output of the plate amplifying the output of the crystals.
The ferrite neodymium magnets are arranged centrally and South pole upcreating a torus of magnetic energy up and out of the centre of the device. The south pole of a magnet is considered the "Yin" pole and has a soothing effect. This arrangement of magnets, diamagnetic crystals (repelled by the magnets) and magnetic steel ball bearings and iron (both attracted to the magnets) contribute the the powerful vortex the device creates.
According to the research of Wilhelm Reich who (re)discovered Orgone energy, this energy of his "orgone accumulator" was most effectively amplified by alternating layers of ferromagnetic metals and organic material. Whilst Karl Weiz did not stipulate this whilst later developing orgonite devices based on the research or Reich, we believe in sticking to original principles, and utilise layers of ferromagnetic metals in conjunction with magnets in all of our devices to maximise their power. he more layers an orgone device has, the more positive orgone energy it will create, and a mixture of metallic particle sizes allows a range of frequencies to be neutralised by the device. This particular pyramid has a 6 metallic layers, 4 crystal layers, and 2 magnetic layers.
This is an extremely powerful device that will cleanse, energise and amplify the positive energy of any setting it is place in provides a beautiful piece of of combined art, science and sacred knowledge that will continually boost the energy of the room where it is placed.
All of our orgone devices are charged in the afternoon sun around sunset at the Rollright Stone Circle (see photos). For more information on the energy of this megalithic site please visit:
9.5cm (3 3/4 inch) square
7cm (2 3/4 inch) tall
This pyramid weighs in at 340g
Please note there may be some minor imperfections in the pyramid due to the hand making process.