Product Name: Sony PS3 discount 160GB Playstation 3 Video Game System & 18 Games
Sony PS3 - Playstation 3 Model: CECH-3001A 160GB Slim Video Game System in Good - Used Condition. The System Includes the Power Cord, Hdmi Cord, Dual Shock 3 Controller with Charger Cord, BLU Ray Remote, and a Case for the Controller. The System Also Includes 18 Games. 6 Games are Disc Only in the carry case and do not have their game cases. 1: Call Of Duty Advanced Warfare 2: NBA 2K18 3: Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 4: MLB 14 The Show 5: Worms Collection 6: Madden 25 7: Infamous Collection(2 Discs) 8: Injustice Good Among Us 9: Minecraft Playstation 3 Edition 10: Prototype 2 11: LA Noire 12: Best of Playstation Network Bol 1 NO CASES 13: Ultimate Action Triple Pack 14: Rayman Origins 15: Resident Evil 16: Red Dead Redemption 17: Killzone 2 18: discount Playstation All Stars Battle Royale.