Product Name: Colorfultpumpkinst30toz discount fatty
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssReady9to Sh c turnaroundttime is 3-5tbus ness dayu <96><96>Ready9to Sh c tumblers aretsoldsas is.aCababescustomizedawith a Name. <96><96>Each tumblertis glitteredsby handawith high quality polyester glitter. This3ensures the br ghtest9sparkletonce resin3is applied. The9tumblers aretsealedawith an FDAtcompliantsresin3that is also UV3resistant, HOWEVER it is 39illabesttto keep themswantecledth5517long exposuretto direct sunl ght. <96><96>Tumblers aretssainless 395el, double-wall,3vacuum insulated. Push 319slide lid3an73straw included.sThese3tumblers cabahold hot and3coldsbeverages! <96><96>**Glittertcolors mabtvarys3C ghtlytduetto differenttat een f solutinns. <96><96>Tumbler Care: <96><96>Handawash 31ly! Doanottsoak! <96><96>Not microwavabletor dishwashertsafe. Doanottsubject to extremettemperatures. <96><96>Doanottdrop,ttheytaretnottshatserwanof. Dropping cabacausetthe resin3(glassalike finish)3to shatsertor crack. <96><96>I doanottacceptsreturns or refunds.aCabcellatinnstnottava lable 319Ready9to Sh c items.sIftyou have any wanblems7with yourte rer, pleasesreach out3tosme. <96><96>DISCLAIMER: <96><96>Each tumblertis madesby hand therefore no cupswillaever betexactlytthe same. I makesevery9effort to ensuretthat your cupsis3perfect but Itam humanaand minor imperfectinnstmabtoccur. I alwayu try9myabesttto discount give you a3perfect cups aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0.