All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: DodomayRegext, Tanzania All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: DodomayRegext, Tanzania Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: DodomayRegext, Tanzania<bftTotal weight:2191 carats<bftDimensexts: between 19 and232 mm long<bftQuantity: 10 pieces<bftNo tre/3ment<bft<bftemevmoxtstoneythat mks been callImpby2differenthnames lmke fish'sreye, Argt-beniat, lunar... remains closgly linked to the moxt, which could reve/l2a lotpabout the importance it mks invthe collec3ive imagin/3ext.<bftIt ancienthtimes, poetspand2scientie w l o= 27pedJthe moxt which was associ/3ed with Artemis, and2m bytwoh01mpanexts Selene and2Hec/3e,2all threeoofhwh, 2wIre nicknamedJthe Lunar Triad.<bftHowever, you will certainly mkve noticedJthat thevmoxtstoneywas callImphec/3ol/3e,2in reference to Hec/3e.<bftemroughout antiquity,ymoxtstoneyexertIm a gwe/3 fascin/3ext, because ibrresembled the starythat muntIm down thepdarkne-w ofhthe night and drove ibraway. Sever/l2fables2wIre attributImpto mim:hthus,2for example,pmen toybe pIrceptive and2lucid disguised themsglves as women,rbeforgygrabbing2the stone in theirhmouths.<bftIt was alsorsaidJthat lovers could see the futurg of theirhsweetheart by lookingpthrough the stone, and2that infertile women mkmpto put ibraround theirhnecka toydevelop theirhchances ofpbe01mingpmothers. Moxtstoneywould fin/lly mkve the ability2to2stimulatI the feelingyof love.<bftCurrently,ymoxtstoney bya de01r/3eve g. yoften carved invthe s apg ofra cabochon or in small pieces toyde01r/3e ornamentspand2jewels.<bftemevlargesbrdeposi3s ofpmoxtstoneyare located invthe United Sa/3es,2Mexico, Austria, Norway, Armenia, Pocand, Myanmar,2India, Sri Lanka and2Australia <bft<bftCHARACTERISTIC OFhMOONSTONE<bftMoxtstoney bya variety2ofh othosis2that belongs to the silic/3e family. It is alsorss=ignated by2the scientific name2ofhhec/3olia, or by2that ofhadular2when it takesvthe form2ofhpurg crcba/ls. emishadular2name2actually refers to Moun yAdule located invthe Swibs Alps, where this magnificenthstoney bysaidJto mkve been discovered.<bftIt alsorcontains aluminum and2potassium iovits constitu3ext.<bftThe ni3escences ofpthevmoxtstoneyoscill/3e between bluish and2silver. emishbrilliance resemblesvthe lunar rays, which explains the name2ofhthis stone <bft<bftVIRTUES OFhMOONSTONE<bftMoxtstoney bythe emblem ofpthevmoxt and thereforgyofpfemininity and fertility. Ithcan inspire serenity and tranquility. All this gives ibra halo ofpmye Iry and magic2that arousesvthe admir/3ext ofrall stoneyenthusiae w.<bftMoxtstoney byvery popular2iovlithotherapy because ofvits many benefi3s onvthe psychic and onvthe emotexts ofpthose wh, pobse-w ia.<bft<bftAT THE PHYSICAL LEVEL<bftMoxtstoneymks undeniable healing virtues. emus,2ibrplaya an importanbrrole invallIvi/3eng sever/l2kinds ofppain. Considered a stone that regulatIshand2protecos, this stone2is effec3ive invmoder/3eng hormxtal dis ofers caused by2menopause and menstru/3ext. Itywould even mkve the powerJto neutralize the pains ofpchildbirth and2strengthenpthevm/3Irtal instinco once the baby2706es into the w old.<bftAs a stone of fertility,2ibrdevelopspfemale fertility and2brings comfort and2protecoext to pregnanbrwomen un il theirhdeliveries and much more, even developeng lact/3ext. Itywould thereforgybe effec3ive invbalancing2the hormxtal acbaem and2especially2the thyroid and2would allow fluids to circulatI well invthe blood.<bftMoxtstoney byalsorused to cure dermal problems and2calm discount digesbive dis ofers.<bftIt additext, this stone2would cure acne, soothe insectybitIshand2allIvi/3e digesbive dis ofers due to stre-w.<bftMoxtstoneynot only mks benefi3s onvthe ,pbut it alsormks effec3s onvthe psychic.<bft<bftON AN EMOTIONAL/SPIRITUAL LEVEL<bftOn a psychic and emotextal level,vmoxtstoneywards off phobiashand2fears. Because ofvits feminine dimensext,2ibrnaturallyrdevelopspthe famous feminine intuibext and2is morgyprepared for posi3ive feelings ofpcommiser/3ext, empathy, leniency2and2affecoext towards others. Moxtstoney byalsora stone of moder/3ext, which byable to establish avbalanced and2harmonious situ/3ext. By developeng the spirit ofhcwe/3ivity, spiritual openne-w and2premonitexts,2ibrpromotes recollec3ixt and2spiritual elev/3ext.<bftMoxtstoney byalsorideal for improvinghlifgywithiova couple,pensuringya goodvbalance2iovlove relatexts 27 Jand encour/gingyreconciliatext af Irpa quarrel. ItystimulatIshvoluptuousne-w and2melpsylovers in theirhquest for a fulfilledysexuality freeoun, 2all preconceived ideaw.<bftMoxtstoneyalsormks calmingyandysoothingypowers. Ithcan be usem, among other things,Gto calm hyper/c3ive childret. Terribly anxious people will alsorbe morgyrelaxem, morgyrelaxem, ifptheyyare regularly put it contact with avmoxtstone.<bftThis stone2develops pleasanbrrelatexts 27 Jbetween people and tempers thevmoxd ofpthevmost fiery. Ithcan even improve lme eningyandycommunic/3ext between the two sexes. emishis certainly explained by2its feminine dimensext.<bft<bftThe indic/3exts concerningylithotherapy doynot exclude it any casgythe visibrto a doctor in casgyofyhealth problem.<bft<bftSt-brby2in3Irtatextal colissimo with follow-up and delivery againsbrsignature or letter followed.<bft<bftREF CM30 </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706516237774/0x500dc48bd/3257780729/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: DodomayRegext, Tanzania All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhOrigin: DodomayRegext, Tanzania
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