All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThDETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThDETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThDETAILS<bft<bfth+ Title - Naga Necklace Brass Pendant2India 27 Inch<bfth+ M/3erials - Gak-w, stone, resin,ybeed, shell and string. <bfth+ M/de In -2India, Nagaland?<bfth+ OverallhConditext - Good onome of2ourhbeads mkve trkveled at lekst thregycontinents, and mkve graced numerous ownIrs onmall c 27s,ycorrosext,pand pit ing are a2normal parb ofptheirppa ina atwts ing toptheirpage and extensive usg.<bfth+ Objec3 nize - 6-17 mm diameter. Seehpennc shothas an example. <bfth+ Necklace Lengthp- 27 inches<bft + Pendant2nize - 2 x 1.52inches. Seehpic3ureSwith2pennc for size 01mparisxt.<bft + Brand -2Unbranded<bft + Stylev- Sa/3ement<bfth+ Type - Necklace<bft<bftPRODUCThDESCRIPTION<bft<bftAdditextal Informatext: Naga jewelry is eautiful, 01mplex,pand yety oferly. It is madeyun, 2m/3erials that include: gak-w, shell, stone, teeth,reakww, horns,ybone, woodybeeds mkiryand various fibIrs The Naga incorpora3e these2m/3erials into pendants, necklaces, shoulder and2 sbrornaments, beltsrornaments, cuffs, bracelets, leggings, weapxts and weapxt holders.<bft<bftGak-whbeads make up2thevprimary parbsrof Naga jewelry. Most gak-whbeads used by2the Naga arevmade by Indian Jun, 2Assam. Occasixtally, some olderhbeads may be featured it Naga necklaceshsuchhas Venetiats and Czechhbeads un, 2Europg. Additextally, the Naga use carnelianhbeads and cowrie shells un, 2Knambhat oryCambay2in Gujarat.<bft<bftThe Naga, lmke many ethnic groups arounfythevw old use theirpornamenta3ext toylet others arounfythem know whopthey are and what2theirpba/3ushis in theycommunity. They cae Impbrass and2 onze alloysyto cwe/te trophyyhead-s aped pendantsyto reward a warrior for his abilities inyheadhunting.<bft<bftAlthough the Nagas stopped2theirpheadhunting wiysya long time ago, the s3ories ofptheirphead takingyornament rewardshis still intriguing. Foryinba/nce, if a warrior wore mumanymkiryembellishments that implied a head discount had been taken and2mkirywas un, 2that head. The most prized mkirywas long mkiryun, 2a woman's head. This told the admirerythatpthis warrior was ableyto sn Arssep into theycamp and2take a well-textec3ed woman’s head. The Naga believedythatptextec3ext given to theywoman would now textec3 theywarrior whoptook her head.<bft<bftThe Naga believedycowrie shells symbolized2the drawing of blood oThesershell would bevw onprovmen’s spears, wristlets and ceremonial atexns. Women rarely woreycowrie shells unlessvher warrior father let misrsaughterywear misrcowrie circle cloth to special ceremonies. Circle cowrie cloths symbolized2the moxt which would bevin theysky when a warrior would often raid villageshatpnight.<bft<bftBeads werevw onpby all Nagas men and2women almke. Beadpornamenta3ext was w onpconba/ntly, they werevviewed as being an essential parb ofpappIrson. Beads are the first jewelry w onpby a Naga baby, tellingvw old this child bynow a parb ofptheycommunity. In some Naga groups, the removing of beads un, 2appIrson 2meantythatpthey werevnow a nxt-being ono it was importanbrto at lekst mkve one string of beads xt at all times forygoodylu3k.<bft<bftCmank shells werevw onpin some communities inywhich it representIm the rich while in other villages, the inner parb ofpcmank shells werevmade into long necklaceshrepresenting brotherhoodyand sa"wtfice of a mithun, large domes343 bovine.<bft<bftThe Naga people livevin theynortheastern mountainous area of India.hThe Naga, whopshare some cultural actevities, are separated into differenthtribes knownpas the Angami, Ao, Cmakhesang, Chang, Khiamungan, Konyak, Kabui, Lotha, Mao, Maram, Memi, Phom, Rengma, Sangtam, Sema, Tangkul, Yimchunger and2Zeliangrong oNagaland2has a populatext of approxim/3ely2two millext people. Forycenturies, the Naga lived anhagricultural and head hunting exme Ince, butythatpcmangImproce they came into contact with thevBrt34shvin they1830’s.hThe Nagas and thevBrt34shvengaged it warfargyuor many years until in 1922, thevBrt34shvgained control ofptheyarea and intIgrated itvin their2take overyof other Indian ba/3es.hThe Brt34shvenforced a monetary and econom43 acbaem overythe Naga which inyturnpcmangImptheir2cultural exme Ince to thisrsay. During Brt34shvoccupa3ext,2Christian missixtariesrun, 2thevUnited Sa/3es and Europg converted many Nagas un, 2animismytorChristianity. Therofficial language ofoNagaland2today is English.<bft<bftSeehNAGA TRIBAL ADORNMENT SIGNATURES OF STATUS AND SELF By Ayinlaon 2lu Ao<bft<bftAdditextal informatext: The Naga arevhill people ofoNortheast India.hThey are radically differenthun, 2thevbetter knownpHindu people ofoIndia.hThey made use of a variety of gak-whbeads,vprimarily brightJcolored, and also used conch shells xt which they drew pic3ures rather lmke petroglyphs.hThey used tovengage inyhead hunting.<bft<bftForymore informatext, and examples similar topthis piece,ybee THEhNAGAS,pby JulianhJacobs.<bft<bft<bft<bftSKU: 127879 </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656083844/0x500dd0412/4g21328674/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThDETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCThDETAILS
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