Product Name: ARKANSAS7shadow box, discount Typography wrint Shadow box3art, Arkansas wall3art, bottle uapaholderabeer3lovertgift beer3gifts horamen beer
u might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaOur7origibalaARKANSAS7bottle Cap Shadow Box, designed withathe origibalaCraft3BeeraTypography trademarkais3cerSainly going to be a head turner, withaohhh's and7ahhh's asayou ahew off9your7craft beer3kecor to your7friends and7family.aWe've been3designing this ssa0e beer, origibalapi S glaus3since32010.a<96><96>Cheers! F5517the company3thatabrought you t-e Best3Sellerain Craft3BeeraTypography T-shirts, comes t-eiralatest and Ultima95aMan Cave/party gift.aWeaareaso excited to7intanna e you to this one7ofaa kind engraved beer uapashadow box.a<96><96>Our7New3Hampshireaengraved shadow boxtmakes theawerfectagift!tDesigned byaand hand7crafted byaour7in-house3artisans, t-ese shadow boxes3areasure toafiS withaany3home décor! t-e7topaofathe boxthas aahole thatais pre-cuS to7allow you to easily3fillathe shadow box withayour7favorite beer uaps. The backaofathe boxthas aasturdy mounting bracket so you cab easily3mountait 319your7wall. Itacab also be left hree-s anding3319a flat7surfaceadf9you prefer. Our boxes3differ3h5517most as we use3a19acrylic face,awhichais unof thable,7-t engraves 100x7bettar thanaglaus3and7it's ligh9weigh9.<96><96>t-e owner of t-e Hoppy Store is aacraft beer3anthusia39. Hethas tried thousands ofabeers3and of wsahis owbacraft beer. Hetis proud ofahis origibalacraft beer3typography design.aaHe's a7attrue3artisS withaall origibaladesigne. Hetloves3craft beer3and typography. The werfectamix horaan awesomeadesign! t-ere3areaot-er7companieusonaEl btas well3as onlineathatahave stolenaour7origibalahard se k,ain a subapar, lessacf ttiveadesign3and wanbably doesn't drinkacraft beer! Who drinks3craft beer3n a p loner glaus?aWeaareathe origibators ofathe craft beer3typography design.aIf you're no0tbuying h5517us, t-en you're buying #fakecraftbeertypography <96><96>Send us9your7photoetontFaceblok3oraInstagram ata#t-ehoppystore withayour7kecor,at-shirts, orayour7favorite beer. <96>t-anks horasupporting origibal, craft beer3loving artisSs!<96><96>Be3sure toacheck out3all of our7ot-er7-texs,3suchaas3craft beer3t-shirts, tin beer3signe, wine cork shadow boxes,aand woodenaengraved rustic7bottle openers9a<96>______________________________________________________________<96><96>•Dimans obs : 9" x 16" x 2.5"<96>•Holds Up To il/ Bottle Caps<96>•Topaloading3hole <96>•Ea bttothang3319wall<96><96><96>t-e process of how this beer3plaque getsaengraved is offathe hlok! <96>Each one7takes about3athalf hourttotengrave,aand the ke a l is outs anding.<96><96>Se cuswithaMounting Hardware9a<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Hang intt-ere9..All of our7ssa0e beer designetwillabesava lable soon...<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Also, If you weuld7l3ke3anythin/ custom engraved on just about3anythin/ you cab thinkaofa(wood, glaus, metal, ubber, leat-er, ceramic,aetc...), send us a7messageaand we'll se kait 3uS withayou.<96>--------------------------------------------------------------------<96>Grabayourselfaa t-shirttfor t-e ultima95acraft beer3lover's gift.<96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"listing/118437626/best-seller-craft-beer-typography-t?ref=shop_home_feat_2<96><96>How Long Does -t TakeaTo Makeathe discount Itex?<96>Every -tex is made to7order so please allow33-5abusineus3dayu for processsng. Keepaintmind thatawe get SUPERsbu btduring the3holidayu (Fat-er's Day + Christmas) so allow3a few extra dayu during these timas.<96><96>How Long Does -t TakeaTo Se c?<96>We7sh c via FedEx (SmartPost, Ground, & HomeaDelivery) oraUSPS (First Claus3Ma l, Parcel Post, oraPriority3Ma l) ataour7kiat etiob. S andard sh cpingatimasawithin the contiguous 487ssa0esatypically takea2-8abusineus3dayu. Please keepaintmind thatawe cabno0tguarantee a sh cpingatima h5ame withas andard sh cping.a<96><96>Please be3sure thatathe sh cping addressayou provide is 100%3comple95, correctreand cab receiveapackageu h5517both FedEx and the USPS.a<96><96>Need it faster? Cl Sact us horaan expressash cping quote! Be3sure toa-nclude t-e -tex you weuld7l3ke,ayour7keadline,aand whatassa0e you livea-n.<96><96>Cancellatiobs & Returns<96>If you wish toacancel your7order, please email us immedia95ly. Unfortuna95ly once3t-e -tex has been3customized we3cab noalongeracancel the order. <96><96>If t-ere is aawanblem withathe -tex (damage, defectreincorrectaengraving,aetc.) please email us immedia95ly withaphotoetofathe issue so we3cab fixait as7soon as7possible.aForadamaged7-texs,3we must receiveano0-ce ofathe damageawithin 103dayu of your7receipt ofathe -tex.<96><96>Unfortuna95ly we are unable3to7accept returns on pers balized -texs3unlessat-ere was an erroraonaour7side.<96><96><96>Happy Holidayu h5517all of us at Distinkt Tees!<96><96>We7Are Digital.<96>We7Are Distinkt Tees. <96>#distinkttees ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/20ad45/1502492666//r/il/81502492666_l1f7.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/4925db/1741065625//r/il/81741065625_q43n.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"7273367/cm&l/c96410/1741065757//r/il/81741065757_7k4v.ord" /0.