Stylish coat and hat perfect for a carriage ride or stroll in the park for your American Girl doll or other 18" doll!
Coat is fully lined in a dark royal blue satiny material, complete with specialty stitching, pleats, tabs, and specialty trim.
Perfect gift for any young girl or collector to add to their doll collection!
I am in love with sewing right now! It has been so much fun getting back into the wonderful world of sewing after being away for so long!
As a young girl my first taste of sewing was from my mom who taught me the basics and sewed clothes for my brother and I. When my kids were babies-a mere 30 years ago-I took some sewing classes, bought discount a machine and a serger and sewed clothes for them and my husband as well as baby blankets and gowns for my young daughter who was in a couple of princess pageants.
Then life got busy with four little ones and I stopped sewing till my baby was about 22. It was then that she decided she wanted an elaborate Halloween costume and we decided to make it ourselves. It was quite the project for jumping back into sewing after so many years, but it turned out amazing-a fully lined hooded cloak, skirt, and bodice with eyelet lacing. Then I didn't sew again for 2 years and then she wanted a pettiskirt for her costume and once again we went to town on a very elaborate outfit that turned out awesome! Now I can't stop sewing! It is soooo much fun!
Product code: Stroll discount in the park Coat and Hat for the American Girl or other 18" Doll