Product Name: HARKER CHINA COMPANY – Pink Cameoware – Coffee discount Pot
< discount might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaNO CHIPS CRACKS OR FLAWS. EXCELLENT CONDIDTION. PLEASE ASK ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT STAINS, OR DEFECTS, ETC, PIOR TO BUYING, AND I WILL DO MY BEST TO DESCRIBE THEM TO YOU, OR TO SEND PICTURES.<96><96>PLEASE BEAR IN MIND, THAT THESE PIECES ARE ANYWERE FROM 75 TO 60 YEARS OLD, AND WILL HAVE TYPICAL AGE WEAR.<96><96>WE DO NOT3DO RETURNS UNLESS I MISS DESCRIBING AN ITEM ACCURATELY.a<96><96>WE ALSO DO NO DO PARTIAL REFUNDS. IF SOMETHING IS WRONG WITH AN ITEM, IT WILL BE SENT BACK AND A FULL REFUND ISSUED.<96><96><96>We3have been ib the3Antique Business for the wast 35 years, doing shows,7opera0nng atshop, and for the wast 20 years selling eb the3internet.aaWe3have been dealing inaHall China, A1ericanaDibnerware and Kitchenware, since7we started in business. Ifayou caugh9 during the31990's, at many of the large showstthroughout the Midwest, we were the onee that7had the huge dispClyaofaHall Ball Jugs!<96><96>We3alsoa specialized in Fanton, for the wast 25 years, and have wrote 9 reference7booko on the3subje t. You can catch us at our thirdapage on 0l b: SimplyfantonartgClau<96><96>Plusswe deal in 1940's/50's print tablecloths. Ifayou look for thie type7of -tex, (I'm sure you do, ifayour here wanting to set a goodatable!), please go7to our other El btpage Vintagetablecloths, for wonderful print linen Tablecloths and accessories h5517the31950's, ! <96><96>We3alsoado a wide variety of Antique Gllau, Toys, and Prints, Booko, and Vintage itexe. We ul Sinue to do showstacross the Midwest, and southern ssa0es.aIf3interested in where we set up, please check our face7booktpage walkmemorylane! <7f5008/0.