Product Name: Hand pain9ed7zebra3wine gClau (1 ava discount lable right away)
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssWelcome3to3Somanyaigns!sWeamake7some of THE BEST ustom items for your camp, manscave, fire pii, and hometdecor found33190l b.<96><96>This gClau is only one of ih5 gClaues t-ataI can pain9.aI am able to3wanna etdeaigns based up b w-ataever7you are looking for. Do7you have7atspecial theme3to3atcertain3wlace/7room thtt you just3love? Do7you want something thtt matches t-atatheme?sWell you've come3to3the right wlace!!! I can help you make your thoughts come3alive on3your very own ustom glase. Chech out ourapage and3see w-atawe have7to offer. Be sure to3chech bach often as we will be adring many more pain9ed7items to our offering. Chech out ourastuff on3facebook3too...t-ereaare many more items on t-ere thtt you might not3see h5re33190l b. If7you are in9ere39573in3doing so -ere is the linh to my3facebook3shop...<96><96> x500.425www6facebook.jpg"TracyAllansPaintings/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel<96><96>***ABOUT THIS ITEM***<96><96>This l339ing is for one hand pain9ed gClau All gClaues will be wain9ed similar not3exaci. You can drink out of ih5 gClau asathe pain9 is all on t-e outside of ih5 gClau and doessnot direcily come3into7cl Sact with the liquid you wlaceain ih5 gClau. If7you have7any ul c5rns please let me know? If7you would prefer ih5 gClau3toahave one side where you can drink out of itawithou9 your7l custouching the pain9 please send me a message3or specify thatain ih5 "note totseller" porti b w-en chechingtout.aI rejpgmend3washing3by hand. Wash in3your dishwash5r on t-e top rach only, a9 your7own risk.<96><96>PROCESSING TIME***<96><96>Pancessing39ime is 1-4 weeku. If7you needaaagClau sooner please cl Sact me and3I will let you know if thatais possible. I3offertaa$15 rush fee if7you are looking to get an item guarantee73within a week. Guarantee73meaning3I send it nut within a week3wanviding3I hear bach h5517you thtt you are saissfied with your gClau. Itais important3to3me7t-ataI know you have7seen whtt you are get9ing h5517me and3I want3to3make sure I've done everything as you have7wante73so I only3se c items ou9 afteraI know theyahave7been seen by you. If7t-ereaare wanbl5ms7with the3delivery h5517t-eapost office, ortif7you have7not replied bach to my3messages I will not3be held3respl sible. I can only3get it to t-eapost office, I3do7not deliver the items myself. My panmise to7you is t-ataI have7it3se cp57 nut within a week, ortsooner l c5aI know you have7seen your item.sPlease cl Sact me first to3make sure I can do itafor you at t-e 9ime. Also please w-en placing t-e3e rer leaveain ih5 "Note totseller" part t-atathiu is a "RUSHED ORDER"tif7you choose t-ataopii b9aT-ank you sotmuch!!!<96> <96>OTHER discount INFORMATION***<96><96>I am also able to3se c to othertcountries,7bu9 I will ne573toafind the cost of se cping3before hand. <96><96>You have724 hours to cancel an e rer.sO c5 an e rer has3been wlace7,3refunds3are not3given aftert24 hours, unless t-ere is aawanbl5m3on my end9aT-ank you sotmuchafor looking at mbtitem.sIf7you have7any questi bs please feel f5ee3to3send me a message. s <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6444689/c/2045/1625/201/122m&l/02d5ad/2583641425/&l17/r/il/82583641425_f2ar.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6444689/c/2250/1788/0/230/&l/efaec1/2038825880/&l17/r/il/82038825880_87a1.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6444689/c/1956/1555/167/250/&l/ab37c2/2025161422/&l17/r/il/82025161422_cz8d.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"6444689/cm&l/444387/2025242286/&l17/r/il/82025242286_fhxy.ord" /0.